Let’s continue with part ii of this story.
I already had a relationship with a few artisans, since I was a repeated customer. After speaking to the artisans, we decided to partner. It was so effortless. I had so much peace which let me know that I was on the right path, finally. Soon after this was in place I realized I needed a name that would reflect my business and represent it well. I jotted down a few names that came to mind, but none resonated with me. It wasn’t until I went to a reiki session that the name “con intención” (with intention) came to me. After sitting with the name for sometime, I decided to move forward with it. It made sense. I’ve been described as an intentional person and I want my business to reflect that as well. My business is not to simply produce massive amounts of products to sell on the market. It is for a greater purpose. Throughout my entire life, I would see people take advantage of artisans and belittle their work. They are talented artists that deserve so much respect and honor and recognition. I want my business to serve others and to be an educational platform. I registered the name and saved it on all the social media platforms.
Within the next few months, I began to collect inventory. That was such a fun experience and an easy one too. I played with colors and designs and saw the products come to life! I kept collecting more and more inventory only. Truthfully, I didn’t know what else to do. I kept googling “how to create a business” and was overwhelmed with the information. I did the basics like register my business name and buy the website domain, but wasn’t sure what I needed to do next. I felt stuck again. It was so comfortable to stay in that space and not move forward. Despite thinking about my business, I procrastinated for months. I distracted myself to avoid doing the work.
During that time, a close friend launched her business. I started to ask questions and found out she hired a brand strategist to help her launch her business. The brand strategist helped her launch her business so quickly that I was drawn to the idea. I was hesitant because it was a steep investment. After much thought, I took the risk and hired my friend’s brand strategist. After creating an action plan, I was given homework. That was perfect for me. Now I knew what I needed to do and be on the right path to create my business. A month passed and I was on it. Working endlessly towards my business.

After a while, I started to fall off track again. This time I was so upset with myself. I invested money in my business and had the help I so much desired. So why was I still procrastinating? I was delaying the process and couldn’t afford to keep that going. One day, I was scrolling on instagram and came across a page that drew me instantly. It was a life coach who transitioned from the corporate world to starting her own coaching business. I connected with her story. Just like me, she knew there was something greater waiting for her. I liked one of her stories and she messaged me. From there we set up a call and that’s where the change really happened. The call was to learn more about each other and to see if we would be a good match to work together. I was so nervous and didn’t think I would truly move forward with her services. After our call, I decided to hire her. Maybe this is what I needed!
When I made the first payment, something in me got me fired up. I started working everyday towards my business. After each session, I felt more confident and empowered. My lack of confidence and the failure of fear was getting in the way, which led me to procrastinate. Now that I was working to break through that, I felt inclined to work towards my passion project. I never doubted this was my path, but I did doubt my ability to make it happen. Once I finished working with my coach, I had the tools to continue working towards my goals. It’s been uphill from there.
My business finally came together and I launched. It was a scary time for me, but I still did it. So many risks were taken and so much growth happened. Looking back, I am appreciative of the speed bumps that were in my way. I have become a person that is more and more comfortable with taking risks. If I continued in my comfort zone, I wouldn’t have taken the risk to launch con intencíon. I am confident con intención will bring more value to the world. We strive to be better and do more to impact those who deserve it the most.
This is our story. Please be a part of what’s to come.
Hasta pronto.
Oh! Before you go, are you feeling stuck with your dreams? I want you to intentionally reflect on these questions.
What steps can you take today toward your dream?
What will you feel like when you reach your dream?
Will you have any regrets if you don’t take action?
I hope the reflections provide you with insight towards your next step. Then, take the risk, the leap, or the jump! I know it may be scary and you may not feel like you deserve it, but you do. Believe in the good that is you. Believe in the good that you have to offer to this world.
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