My first blog post will be about how I found my purpose and created con intención. It was a journey filled with many doubts and fears. It was not easy, but it was well worth it. I’ll be sharing the first part of my story so here it goes…
During my last semester at college, I interned at the
México Tourism Board. My day consisted of marketing, assisting at events, and learning the ins and outs of the tourism industry. I loved every moment and wanted to pursue a career in that field. After graduating college, I decided to move to México.
After a few months, I started to apply for jobs in the tourism sector. Little did I know, it was a very tough industry to get into. I had a few interviews but never heard back. A few months passed and I started to apply for as many jobs as possible that were outside of my interest. I finally got an offer to work for a government agency in
México City. It wasn’t the “dream” job I was hoping for, but at least I was able to stay in

A few weeks into the job, I realized it was not for me. Everyday felt like a struggle. I remember taking my break, buying a coffee from the nearby 7-Eleven, and sitting on a bench. I listened to Rescue by Yuna and started crying. It spoke to my reality. There I was, sitting on this bench crying because I achieved what was expected of me. Yet, I was far from my own peace & happiness. I knew that this position wasn’t all for me. There was more. There had to be more. Though I felt this way, the “more” did not come easily. As a result of this I quickly fell into depression, lost a lot of weight, and ended up moving back to the States.

I was starting over again. I had little savings and was jobless for three months. Again, I felt trapped. When I needed to clear my head, I went for a walk. During my walks, I’d pray to God that he would provide me with a job. I eventually got an offer to work at a university and was overly excited. I’d surely be happy, right? No. I was stuck in the same cycle and felt miserable. Everyday after work, I went for a walk and cried to God. I wanted to know what my purpose in life was.

A few years later, I came across a website of a b corp business. They worked with artisans to create beautiful bags. I saw their promo video and instantly knew that was it! I needed to create a business where I can partner with artisans from
México. Tears started to roll down my face. There were no ifs, ands, or but’s. I knew that was my calling. I knew my purpose would unfold.
Now that I was at peace with my purpose, I needed to figure out how to start a business/passion. Thousands of questions ran through my mind everyday. Where do I start? Where can I meet artisans? What products should I sell? Luckily, I had the ability to travel to México pretty often. That same year, I had a flight booked for the end of October, right in time for día de los muertos. I was going to Pátzcuaro for the festivities and made the commitment to meet as many artisans as possible. The day I arrived, I went to the artisanal fair.

I walked around and saw so many talented artisans. I wasn’t sure who to talk to, until I met an artisan that was selling rebozos (traditional Mexican shawls). Rebozos are a part of my family history and felt drawn to her. We talked and she was a complete sweetheart. I felt so comfortable with her and we ended up partnering. My business was going to be solely on selling rebozos. I came up with my business name and started working. This was just the beginning.
A year into it, I felt limited with my business. There are so many talented artisans and I wanted the opportunity to partner with a variety of artisans. I needed to create a business plan and be specific with the direction of my business. Overwhelmed, disappointed, and hopeless were a few of the emotions I was feeling regularly. Why was it so hard to create a vision for my business? My days were spent brainstorming and one day it came to me. I looked at my own space and realized I had many beautiful handmade items.
The decor in my space is made up of very intentional items that bring me joy. It made more sense for me to focus on not just the things that bring me joy, but also the artisans who create them. Finally, things have begun to make sense. This journey and dream have not been perfect. It has been filled with so many questions and dedicated days. However, I am at peace knowing that I am doing something well beyond me. I am serving not just my passions but my community in a way that I did not know was possible.
In retrospect, this mission is beyond me. When I reflect, I now see myself on the bench, singing to Yuna, reminding myself that I needed to be rescued from my doubt and insecurities. That moment and this moment have been intended to grow me so that I could deeper appreciate this dream becoming a reality!

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Me encanto! I really enjoyed your story.